Open Access Case Reports for Massage Therapists

Open Access Case Reports for Massage Therapists

If you are a massage therapist who is interested in reading massage therapy research, PubMed is a great resource but most massage therapists do not have academic access to journals. 

This is not the only barriers to entry, sorting through the data is like drinking from a fire-hose, if you search Massage therapy on PubMed you will get nearly 14,000 returns. If you are looking to learn more about massage therapy research I have put together a list of open access case reports.

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Non-Pharmacological Therapies for Osteoarthritis of the Hand, Hip, and Knee

Non-Pharmacological Therapies for Osteoarthritis of the Hand, Hip, and Knee

In patients with osteoarthritis related pain sensitization of nociceptive pathways may result in patients perceiving low level stimuli as being overtly painful. In terms of clinical responses to non-pharmacological therapies, these can have an effect on supraspinal processes which influence nociceptive processing and therefore OA-related pain. This post gives a brief overview of non-pharmacological pain management strategies for osteoarthritis related hip, knee, and hand pain.

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Podcasts for Massage Therapists

Podcasts for Massage Therapists

The RMT Education Project is an initiative that is working to promote the benefits of evidence-based massage therapy to an international audience - In this post I have to put together a list of podcasts that are relevant to the practice of massage therapy

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Massage Therapy Letter of Introduction

Massage Therapy Letter of Introduction

Please contact me if you would like to discuss any of this information in depth, or if you are looking for a professional, dedicated Registered Massage Therapist committed to providing high quality health care.

Richard Lebert, RMT (Registered Massage Therapist)
Petrolia Chiropractic

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